بدل- صفحة المنتج

Nitra Console A stylish and convenient console and multi-purpose cabinet for your place

ل.ت 0

Baliklicesme Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Biga - Çanakkale - TURKEY, Biga, Turkey

16 يناير

وصف المنتج

The product is made of 18 mm melamine-coated chipboard material. Legs and holders are made of sturdy plastic. Product sizes are available in the images. Please check detailed sizes. Our products will be shipped as disassembled and the assembly belongs to the customers. All the parts (product, assembly manual, and accessories) you need are sent together within the product box. You can easily assemble it with simple hand tools. Please contact us for any other details.

تفاصيل المنتج


Baliklicesme Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Biga - Çanakkale - TURKEY, Biga, Turkey

16 يناير

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اعرض رقم الهاتف

+90 552 529 57 17


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